Profile of Paul Napoleon Besancon by Harry Wickey | Mes Familles
Mes Familles family genealogy website for Besancon, Fox, Hart, Hill, Louys, et al, from Ohio, Pennsylvania, France, Germany, Ireland, England, and more.
Profile of Paul Napoléon Besançon by Harry Wickey
Plaster Profile of Paul Napoléon Besançon by Harry Wickey
Study of Uncle Poly by Harry Wickey Paul Napoléon Besançon was the maternal uncle of American artist Harry Wickey (son of Alice Wickey née Besançon).

The plaster profile (above), and sketch to the left, are of Harry's beloved "Uncle Poly."

This plaster profile (and other Wickey artwork featuring members of the family) is in the collection of the Whitney Museum of American Art.